Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Database Conferences

The Data Management community is committed to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our professional activities. We celebrate the diversity in our community and welcome everyone regardless of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, education, and work experience. We also welcome people and opinions of all political persuasions, as long as they abide by the ACM policy against harassment. Our initiative coordinates DEI efforts across the data management community and includes this year’s DEI chairs of CIDR, SIGMOD/PODS, VLDB, EDBT/ICDT, ICDE, ADBIS, MDM and SIGSPATIAL.


Our Mission

Make diversity, equity and inclusion a first class citizen in our conferences. Establish a feedback loop to better understand our standing with respect to all underrepresented groups. Ultimately, guide our community to adopt a more inclusive mindset in general toward different individuals regardless of their age, gender, gender identity, race, cultural background, religion, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, parental and marital status, etc. Discourage discriminatory behavior during events that cause certain groups to feel unwelcome. This initiative is in collaboration with DBCares, following the ACM policy against harassment and processes for reporting unacceptable behavior. Our code of conduct can be found here.


Our Core Actions

COORDINATE This action is in charge of coordinating between core members, liaisons, and the current year's DEI chairs.
SCOUT This action is in charge of collating DEI efforts from other communities and advocating learned ideas in the DB community.
ETHICS This action is in charge of establishing and promoting ethics guidelines for publications in our community.
MEDIA This action is in charge of preserving and deseminating the digital media produced by DEI@DB events.
DIVERSIFY This action is in charge of understanding the community diversity through pre & post conference data collection

Actions in charge of Conferences and DEI Chairs

INCLUDE This action is in charge of monitoring and recommending all inclusion efforts.
ORGANIZE This action is in charge of in-conference organization such as code of conduct.
INFORM This action is in charge of informing our community.
REACH OUT This action is in charge of collecting data and experiences from our community.
SUPPORT This action is in charge of coordinating DEI support from executive bodies and sponsors.

We welcome suggestions for events, formats, changes in procedures, outreach, and other activities that promote our goals in enhancing diversity, amplifying underrepresented voices, and creating a more inclusive data management community.


DEI Materials

Feel free to share, reuse, and modify these materials as you wish for your conference or other purposes. Acknowledgment of the content creators is appreciated.

DEI Initiative Presentation
Inclusion, Equity and Diversity in Writing
Tips for Creating Inclusive Talks and Videos
DB DEI Code of Ethics
DEI Guidelines for Conference Organization



Our efforts are enabled by the following software that are deployed in various DB venues and beyond.

CLOSET: A comprehensive tool for detection and management of conflict-of-interest (COI) in peer-reviewed venues
GAP - Gender Analysis for Publications: A tool to analyze the gender distribution in scientific publications


Our 2024 Meetings

Meeting 20 Nov 8, 2024: TBD. Meeting 19 Sep 13, 2024: Webpage update (new information and DEI/DBCARES). Material for SUPPORT@Conferences. DEI@workshops. Reports EDBT/ICDT, ADBIS, SIGMOD. Conferences prep Meeting 18 Feb 9, 2024: Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct, Discussion on extending DEI to workshops/demos/journals. CIDR 2022 debriefs, DEBS/ADBIS/EDBT 2022 prep.

Our 2022 Meetings

Meeting 13 Nov 10, 2022: 2022 DEI Report prep. DEI initiative membership renewal. Meeting 12 Sep 23, 2022: Rebranding D&I -> DEI. DEI/DBCARES. Extending DEI to journals (proposal for VLDBJ). DEI@workshops. Perimeter of the ETHICS action. Meeting 11 Jul 8, 2022: Definition of two new ations MEDIA and ETHICS. Meeting 10 Apr 8, 2022: Discussion Code of Ethics and Bylaws of our initiative. Webpage update for 2022. EDBT/ICDT report. ICDE/SIGMOD prep. Meeting 9 Feb 11, 2022: Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct, Discussion on extending DEI to workshops/demos/journals. CIDR 2022 debriefs, DEBS/ADBIS/EDBT 2022 prep.

Our 2021 Meetings

Meeting 8 Sep 24, 2021: VLDB 2021 debrief, SIGMOD Report prep. Meeting 7 July 2, 2021: MDM, DEBS, SIGMOD 2021 debriefs and VLDB, WISE, SoCC, ADBIS 2021 prep. Meeting 6 May 7, 2021: EDBT/ICDT and ICDE debriefs including automatic COI detection tool, SIGMOD prep. Meeting 5 April 9, 2021: Ullman situation. Meeting 4 March 19. 2021: Pre-EDBT/ICDT and ICDE 2021: Questionnaire launch. Meeting 3 Feb 19, 2021: Questionnaire and reach out to individual conferences. Meeting 2 Jan 29, 2021: Webpage setup and advertisement. Meeting 1 Dec 11, 2020: definition of ACTIONS.


Jump to Core Members, Liaisons, Current D&I Chairs of DB Conferences.

Core Members

Genoveva VARGAS-SOLAR (she/her)

Genoveva is a CNRS Principal Scientist at the laboratory LIRIS, Lyon. She leads the COORDINATE action at DEI in DM

Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez (he/him)

Jesús is a research engineering manager at Microsoft. He leads the INFORM action at DEI in DB

Roee Shraga (he/him)

Roee is an assitant professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He co-leads the INFORM action at DEI in DB

Madhulika Mohanty (she/her)

Madhulika is a postdoctoral researcher at Inria, Saclay. She co-leads the ETHICS action at DEI in DB

Nelly Barret (she/her)

Nelly is a postdoctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. She co-leads the ETHICS action at DEI in DB

Sujaya Maiyya (she/her)

Sujaya is as Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo. She co-leads the ETHICS action at DEI in DB

Soror Sahri (she/her)

Soror is an Associate Professor at University Paris Dauphine. She leads the DIVERSIFY action at DEI in DB

Sana Sellami (she/her)

Sana is an Associate Professor at the University Aix Marseille. She leads the MEDIA action at DEI in DB

Panos K. Chrysanthis (he/him)

Panos is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Until 2024 he led the MEDIA action at DEI in DB

Juliana Freire (she/her)

Juliana is a Professor of Computer Science and Data Science at New York University, and the Elected Chair of the ACM SIGMOD. Until 2024 she led the SUPPORT action at DEI in DM now in charge of conference organizers

Victor Zakhary (he/him)

Victor is Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle, Bay Area. Until 2024 he co-led the INCLUDE action at DEI in DB now in charge of conferece organizers

Alexandra Meliou (she/her)

Alexandra is an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Until 2024 she co-led the ORGANIZE action at DEI in DB now in charge of conference organizers

Wang-Chiew Tan (she/her)

Wang-Chiew is a research scientist at Facebook AI. Until 2024 she co-led the INFORM and ORGANIZE actions at DEI in DB

Sourav Bhowmick (he/him)

Sourav is an associate professor at Nanyang Technological University. Until 2024 he co-led the INFORM actions at DEI in DB

Avrilia Floratou (she/her)

Avrilia is a research scientist at Microsoft. Until 2024 she co-led the REACH OUT action at DEI in DB now in charge of the conference organizers

Fatma Ozcan (she/her)

Fatma is a principal research engineer at Google. Until 2024 she co-led the REACH OUT action at DEI in DB now in charge of the conference organizers


Angela Bonifati (she/her)

is Prof at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and serves as liaison for TCDE

Divyakant Agrawal (he/him)

Divy is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He serves as liaison for the SIGMOD Executive Committee

Juno Steegmans (she/her)

is PhD student in Hasselt University and she serves as liaison for the PODS/ICDT Executive Committee

Meihui Zhang (she/her)

is Prof at Beijing Institute of Technology and serves as liaison for the VLDB Endowment

Genoveva Vargas-Solar (she/her)

is a CNRS Research Scientist and serves as liaison for the EDBT Executive Committee

Current D&I Chairs of DB Conferences

Pınar Tözün

DEI co-chair for CIDR 2024, ICDE 2024

Stratos Idreos

DEI co-chair for CIDR 2024

Utku Sirin

DEI co-chair for CIDR 2024

Julia Stoyanovich

DEI co-chair for EDBT/ICDT 2024

Benny Kimelfeld

DEI co-chair for EDBT/ICDT 2024

Ekaterini Ioannou

DEI co-chair for ICDE 2024

Aidan Hogan

DEI co-chair for SIGMOD 2024

Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez

DEI co-chair for SIGMOD 2024

Genoveva Vargas Solar

DEI chair for EDBT/ICDT 2022-23, ADBIS 2023-25

Vana Kalogeraki

DEI chair for DEBS 2022 and MDM 2021-22-24

Avrilia Floratu

DEI chair for VLDB 2024

Jinli Kao

DEI chair for WISE 2024

Yuanyuan Tian

DEI Co-Chair for CIDR 2023

Carlo Curino

DEI Co-Chair for SIGMOD 2023

Yael Amsterdamer

DEI Co-Chair for SIGMOD 2023

Barbara Catania

DEI Co-Chair for ADBIS 2023-24

Panos K. Chrysanthis

DEI chair for EDBT/ICDT 2022-23, DEBS 2022, and MDM 2021-22

Renata Borovica-Gajic

DEI Co-Chair for SIGMOD 2022

Pinar Tozun

DEI Co-Chair for SIGMOD 2022

Jérôme Darmont

DEI Co-Chair for ADBIS 2022

Alekh Jindal

DEI Co-Chair for CIDR 2022

Yuanyuan Tian

DEI Co-Chair for CIDR 2022

Shazia Sadiq

DEI Co-Chair for VLDB 2022

Gillian Dobbie

DEI Co-Chair for VLDB 2022

Wenny Rahayu

DEI Co-Chair for WISE 2022

Sana Sellami

DEI Co-Chair for WISE 2022